Monday, May 20, 2013

Andrea Mantegna,Foreshortened Christ,ca.1500.Tempera on canvas, two dimensions

Andrea Mantegna was born and resided in the Italian city of Padua, near Venice. He learned to paint in a fresco program that took him nine years to complete. Mantegna is accredited with creating the first consistent illusionistic decoration of an entire room in the Camera Picta in the palace of Ludovico Gonzaga. This artist designed this work to challenge his skill of perspective and represent the emotional tone of a foreshortened life of Christ. His intentions were to depict the biblical tragedy of Christ's death. This work expresses Mantegna's mastery of perspective where he scaled the feet so that they would not consume the body, so the feet are not realistically represented. Also, he used harsh lines to convey a harsh emotional tone.
This painting has an obvious relation to the exhibit. Christ's life was cut short. Death is not only inevitable but also unpredictable. This peaceful cadaver and its onlookers express a powerful emotional tone that represent the great tragedy of a foreshortened life.

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